So we had some wonderful friends from our Joshua class come over last night for dinner. It's always good to see people you love and just catch up and be silly. One thing I think we all (in one way or another) realized was that we are harboring some bitterness towards our Joshua class, directors, teachers, and Hume lake. It was a sad moment for me because I didn't know these things about myself, or at least didn't want to know these things. I'm a bit angry and annoyed with somethings that I remember going down. Well I was last night because as I talked them through with my fellow Joshua's I realized how stupid I was for holding on to something so peaty. God changed me for the good in that place and my worldly perspective changed me in the bad. A place is not going to be perfect because it's in this world, this world of sin and sickness. Even if it is Hume Lake one of the most beautiful places I know of. I'm ashamed of my bitterness and I'm sad that I have been carrying it around with me for so long. Thank goodness for Hilary, Jacqui, and Sam because they really know how to knock sense into me. I loved every moment I got to spend with them and I love God for working through people and in my life.