Oh man where have i been lately?!?!?! This blog has definitely been neglected. I do have lots of fun things going on, and lots of not do fun things going on as well. I think I lost motivation and maybe stop feeling like this is a place where I can let all my random thoughts and adventures out. I miss it though. So I will TRY to be back on here once a week. we will see school is a heavy load this semester.
You all might be thinking to yourselves "What's going on with the Nowlin family right now???" (and even if you aren't I'm gunna let you know.) The answer is... A LOT! The Lord is really working in our lives and really trying to get our attention. I don't know exactly what we are doing right now and there a lot of questions unanswered but we have such amazing friends that love the Lord and pray for us and let us know we are loved. God just shows himself to me every single day. I really have nothing that I can complain about and for me that is a very big step. I am what some people would call- dramatic. So everything is a big deal to me, but God is letting me know that this is not a way a woman who loves the Lord should be behave. I am gradually getting the point and also gradually starting to realize I am a person who has
NO PATIENCE! So what do i do? I ask the Lord to give me patience.... what happens???? The Lord tests my patience by putting me in situations that will make me practice being patient. you might be thinking Then what happened? Well, I have been failing miserably and also even embarrassingly. However I know that God can get me through this and that this struggle is nothing to Him, and with that I sleep well at night.
As for Sam he is being consumed by God and I don't think he has ever had God pursue him in such an intense way. God is all up in his grill (excuse my ghetto terms I don't have any nonghetto words to use for this) it's like Sam is being picked up and shook by God, and He's saying, "hello pay attention to me!!!!" Well obviously that's not whats really happening but it sure seems that way. It's really ironic that right before our one year anniversary all these things started happening. Our car getting run into, our anniversary being very stressful, Sam getting hurt, doctor bills, our rental car getting run into, Sam's car falling apart, school falling apart.... blah. Now I am not blaming these things on God but I do think that there are many lessons to learn and growth to be had from all these things. I am hoping that I can be joyful in all the things to come, even if they aren't what I want.
Now here are some pics from our one year : )
It's been a year of love and happiness. i am so so so so so in LOVE and I adore Sam even more today.
Dia De Los Muertos at Disneyland! |
gosh he is precious |
Me and the lady behind me are not having fun. |
pumpkin. |
what pure fear looks like. |
The end. |