we finally got to spend a large chunk of our weekend together! Friday I ended up not having to work so I went over to the in-laws and worked on "thank you cards" (yes, they are almost done!!) While Sam worked on his new project. A 1980 something Honda motorcycle that he is making into "the purple kook" He says it will be my motorcycle, but we will see since he is making it all chopper status I'm not to sure if I will be riding it anytime soon. But it is so fun to see him being so creative with the bike, he really loves doing it and a ton of his friends came over to help him with it. Then we stayed at the house all night just relaxing it was really good!
The bike looks nothing like this anymore. |
Saturday we woke up really late and lounged around the house for a long time (which we never do! so it was pleasantly different and relaxing) After just hanging out at home we went for a bike ride and the day was SO beautiful.
<3 |
We both decided that we wanted to work on some crafts; Sam wanted to make a studded design thing on his belt, and I wanted to paint a canvas we had from our wedding. So, after trips to Palace arts and Beverly's and after running other errands we went home and started working. Sam got the wrong thing so we made a quick trip to the store. Being that Sam eats meat now he has a weird obsession with taco bell. He wants it all the time, I finally gave in and we went there for dinner. which was not a good idea because we both ended up with stomach aches! basically we will both not be going back to TB for a long while.
Chalupa. |
These are the cause of death. |
Happy Moo-stach-eh! |
the beginning. |
he does manly crafts |
day after almost done. |
finally done |
It was a good weekend
MO I AM IN LOVE WITH THAT PAINTING!!!! did you use a stencil? cuz you have a really steady hand if you did that free hand.... i love you guys. i can't wait to see both of you in a week!!