Everyday for the past 2 weeks has seemed to be full of one thing or another. It just seems like everything i want to do I don't get to do when I want to do it. I almost feel like a little girl again, you know when you have to do chores instead of playing outside like everyone else. However I think God knows when we just need a BREAK! and I think I am getting it this week. Like right now it is barely 9pm, and we have been in bed since 7:30! I know I'm not sleeping but Sam is and I am finally getting to catch up on this blog. I have so many thing I tell myself I will put in here, and even document, but they just never seem to make it here. One day I promise i will catch up.... I am grateful that I have this time right now to think about things and not stress about them. I have been earnestly praying to God to just feel relief, relief from all the burdens I take up that are not mine to have and to give them over to him. It is a daily battle my friends but one that is not lost in the end, and because of that I can sleep easy.
Now something I just realized i L-O-V-E , well to be fair a few things that I love:
Laying next to my wonderful husband while he sleeps and every now and then he snaps back and puts his arm around me or sleep talks. |
Catching on Tyler and Katy Reeds blog... gosh i can't wait for their precious little baby!
gunna have a baby! |
eatting a well cooked dinner all alone every now and then, weird I know.
seeing Sam smile when he is almost about to fall asleep but i jump on him and hug him.
life is good and it takes some little things sometimes to remind me just how good i have it. Even if i don't have time for all the things I want to do, I am so so so so happy.
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